We had moved, lock, stock and barrel to Gran Alacant (near Santa Pola) on the Costa Blanca.
Liesl had stayed behind in the UK for a day with a great friend, Dave to get the house ship shape and ready for the new people to move in.
With the help of more good friends Bob and Jackie, she readied the apartment for the arrival of the furniture (and me). To be honest, without these (and many more friends and relatives like my brother Nick, his wife Sez, my longest suffering friend Donnie and too many more to name) it would have been much more of an ordeal than it turned out to be - everything went pretty smoothly really on reflection!
Just as “my old man” had said, I followed the van all the way through France and Spain for 3 days until we arrived at the apartment, then we set about the work of cramming a detatched four bedroomed house with double garage into a 3 bedroomed apartment – well it didn’t work, we had loads of stuff without a home, we just had to be inventive where we stored things – suffice to say it’s a good job that we don’t have a cat!
I had taken 6 weeks holiday from work to help complete the move and setup our lives in Spain, we hoped that the house sale would complete during that time, however when we got to the final week of the time off work (note that I didn’t refer to it as a holiday!) it was clear that I would have to return to the UK to continue to work until the sale completed.
I returned to the UK on the 5th December 2006, it was cold! Amazingly Dave offered for me to stay with him and even for me to use his car, which was incredably generous of him, whilst I was there so we got into a routine where I dropped him off at the station in the morning and then drove to work and then collected him in the evening after I had got home, I think that he was constantly disapointed that I didnt have the dinner ready for him, on the table for when he got home! Chris and Linda also offered for me to use their second car if I needed it whilst I was back in the UK - it really was humbling to know that these people were so willing to go out of their way to help me.
Thankfully the house sale exchanged on the 8th November and my work accepted 2 weeks notice, I am sure that Dave was glad to be getting rid of his lodger so that he could get his house, car and life back and so that the steady stream of 'visitors' could once again beat a way to his door - joke Dave, honest ;-)
... and then I was back in Spain before the end of that month – boy it was good to be back, but now what????
We had always talked of me setting up a small computer business in Gran Alacant, but we had done nothing practically about it – now was the time to start! I had already read a book about the best type of business to setup, but after visiting the FAB (Foreigners Advisory Bureau) I decided to take their advice and plump for a simple partnership agreement business with Liesl, it was much cheaper to setup and didn’t have the administrative cost overheads that the S.L (Spanish Limited Company) business I was intending to setup had. The business was going to take 2 weeks to setup, it’s now half way through the first week and I have to return tonight (the Spanish work strange hours!) to sign the papers – scary but exciting!
We had always talked of me setting up a small computer business in Gran Alacant, but we had done nothing practically about it – now was the time to start! I had already read a book about the best type of business to setup, but after visiting the FAB (Foreigners Advisory Bureau) I decided to take their advice and plump for a simple partnership agreement business with Liesl, it was much cheaper to setup and didn’t have the administrative cost overheads that the S.L (Spanish Limited Company) business I was intending to setup had. The business was going to take 2 weeks to setup, it’s now half way through the first week and I have to return tonight (the Spanish work strange hours!) to sign the papers – scary but exciting!
“The Spanish tend to start work early (between 8 and 9), work until around 2pm and then they tend to go home (or to the beach in the summer) until around 5 or 6pm when they start work again until they finally finish at about 8 or 9pm. This late finish leads to them eating every late and it’s usual for restaurants to be full of non-Spanish at 9 but fully occupied by the locals
at 10 and 11pm.”
Liesl has been under tremendous pressure to continue to work at a job that challenges her and it’s been very hard for both of us because of this pressure. Its also difficult as we have not had much time to make friends or speak any Spanish – the Spanish here speak such good English that when you attempt to communicate with them in their own tongue, they simply reply in English – I guess they want to practice their English as much as we want to practice our Spanish, although its pretty frustrating.
The plan moving forward (in no particular order) is….
- to make a determined effort to get my business off the ground
- to get Liesl doing something that she enjoys more
- to socialise more with Spanish people
- to find quality time to spend with each other
- to try to spend an hour each day immersed in the Spanish language
- to invest the money that we have made from the house wisely!
lol – what a list, I wonder how we will get on!, here starts our Spanish Adventure!
1 comment:
Hi, It's Liesl here!
We had so much packing to do and I couldn't believe it when Dave announced he had taken two days off work to help us! The first was to help us pack, the second was to help us clear the house and clean it after the furniture went and to look after me who had been abandoned by Richard and Hettie who were driving over to Spain. I can't say how much this meant to me - Thanks Dave! xx Thanks also to Chris & Linda for also taking time off work to take me to the airport. We have some really good friends! x
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