Friday, 15 December 2006

14/12 - Drink with Gerry and Trisha and Jungle Drums Article

Went out to the very Spanish "Dick Turpin" pub this evening with Gerry and Trisha (the friends we met at the newcomers club), they had moved into their new place yesterday and were manically trying to get things delivered, lights put up, beds made, etc so I think that they were glad of the opportunity to get away from the manic activity that was happening at their place 2 days before they fly back to the UK!

Afterwards with Liesl’s help I pretty much finished off the article for Jungle Drums, its been accepted and was described by the editor as “perfecto!” which I am assuming is good ;-)

I have also decided to take out an advert in the magazine as I have been offered a slot half price because of the article.

It should go into the magazine for the January issue and I hope that we get plenty of business from it, by then everything should be setup so I should be able to actually start working.

Guess I had better start to think about what to write about for the next article – it takes so long to perfect the text, never realised how much time it would take!

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