Usually its refreshing to have the apartment back to ourselves after guests leave, that’s not to say that we don’t enjoy the company, we love it, its just that its nice to get back into our ‘routine’ – I’m sure you know what I mean. However this time it was different, as soon as Liesl and I got back into the apartment, it seemed unusually quiet, not in a good way, it was quite upsetting to say “goodbye” to them knowing that we would probably not see them all again for at least 12 months, I hope they realise how much we miss them and how important they are to us both.
Whilst they were here they did a great deal, we managed to take some time off from work to be with them, but they also made themselves busy whilst we had to work.
On Sunday we went with them to Pola Parc, a kiddies fun fair in Santa Pola, 99% of the rides were aimed at exactly Joe and Ella’s age group (7 and 8 respectively) and they loved it, even though it was the LAST thing that they said they wanted to do - kids eh? Linda, quite wisely, said that she didn’t feel like going on any of the rides with the kids which left Chris and I
One in particular sticks in my mind, it was a line of wooden hobby horses that followed each other around a metal track – Chris and I took one look and thought “that looks fine, nice steady slow ride”, so we mounted our steeds, Ella and I on the front horse and Joe and Chris on the horse behind us. The ride started and everything was fine for the first few seconds, ok the wooden horses were not the most comfortable of things but I could handle a circuit of this I thought.
Then it happened!
What had escaped both my and Chris’s notice was that the horses actually trotted around the circuit – so for every meter we advanced we had to endure one “bump”! After far too many bumps 2 excited kids and 2 crippled adults got off the ride, I am certain that our voices are still at least one octave higher now than before we got on the ride – NEVER AGAIN!
The park was a great way to spend the evening, we arrived at about 6pm and left just after 9pm, the kids had a great time – which is what it’s all about!
We also spent some time on the beach with them, both Joe and Ella went snorkelling and saw loads of fish, Linda also had a chance to indulge in her favourite pastime (clothes shopping) in Santa Pola.
All in all it was a fantastic week; my only regret is not being able to spend more time with them – on their last full day I had to work for most of the day!
Al started his new job today, and survived so far !!!!! at least we are a 2 car family again, it was a bit of a sqeeze in my 2 door the weekend !!!
still got the rain, and floods, and rain, and floods, need a boat!!! I had to go 4 miles out of my way to fetch Sam from school today and still ended up driving through 2 floods.
Anyway hope you are ready for the invasion in about 4/5 weeks, get the vino chilled and ready !!! I'm on the Rose... Shaz xx
Yep, more than ready, cant wait to see you guys, seems like its been so long!
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