Tuesday 28 August 2007

25/8 - Doggy Mess

Whilst walking through our local town of Santa Pola today I witnessed the not-unusual sight of a Spaniard allowing his dog to "mess" on the pavement. I was however surprised when he self same chap proceeded to take a plastic bag out of his pocket and pick up the mess that his dog had left behind - I have never seen this before, even though there are free "poo bag" holders all around the major cities of Spain, they all seem to be full of "poo bags" because no-one ever takes them!)

You can imagine how much more shocked I was when I saw the man put down the bag, take hold of his dog's tail and hold it up so that the dog's back legs were just off the ground, put his hand into his pocket, took out a q-tip, and proceeded to clean the mut's behind!!!!

Now that is what I call attention to detail - good man. I dont think I will tell Liesl about it though for fear of being forced to carry q-tips around with me when taking Hetty out!

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