During November, amist the renovation work that was going on around us
in our little 3 bedroomed flat, another company were laying gas mains pipes around the urbanisation, it seems that piped gas had finally arrived to Gran Alacant, not that we were going to be taking advantage of it as it would work out more expensive for us (at the moment we go through 1 gas bottle every 2 months at a cost of only 12 euros - why change?)
Anyway, whilst the Spanish workers were digging through the car park to lay the pipe, they managed to cut right through the water main - yep, 30ft of water straight up into the air! Not to be outdone, the other builders decided to use the expelled water to wash their cars and
proceeded to carefully reverse them under the jet of water - priceless!
Work on the renovation of the apartment has moved on at speed, both sides of our apartment have now been completed and we are finally free of scaffolding!, as you can see from the picture there is a huge difference between the work that has been completed and the work that has yet to be started, hopefully within a few short months the rest of our block will be completed and we will be totally free of the view of scaffolding.
In November my work stepped up another gear as we managed to take on quite a few "business" customers (the main stay of our customer base), word was starting to get around that we offer an IT service to match the needs of our customers at an affordable price and that we, unlike many other computer people here, actually do know what we are talking about!
December was a short month and marked the end of a full year for BlueMoon, each month of 2007 we had broken the self enforced target and each month had been stronger than the previous one, it was a great start and even in our dreams we could not have hoped to have been so fortunate to achieve what we did.
In addition to the increasing work commitments and the ever welcome social engagements we were attending, Liesl had signed us up (since October) for 4 additional hours classroom Spanish, at an intermediate level!
Each week was getting busier and busier, sometimes I wonder how we ever found the time to sleep. The Spanish was great, although finding time to do it alongside all of our other commitments was difficult, but we managed it and our Spanish has improved no end because of it.
Its tradition for many of the towns and villages in Spain to build nativit
y models and one of the biggest is in Torreveija, Liesl’s mum had heard great things about it and wanted to go and see it so in the evening we drove down and parked outside the square in front of the church where the model had been built, it was amazing!
We all commented that it just wouldn’t happen in the UK, first of all the whole thing was open to the elements (I guess they don’t really worry about rain here, we haven’t seen any for months!) and then, amazingly, even though the whole thing is left outside for the best part of a month, its not vandalised or molested in any way – that’s not to say that that sort of thing doesn’t happen here, it just th
at there seems to be a respect for this sort of thing that has been lost in the UK.
The photos just don’t do justice to the scale of the thing, the whole model must have easily been 30ft long by 15ft wide and must have taken months to build!
December was just a blur of social events and work, at one point we had 7 evenings out in 8 days! We went to the BritClub (very ex-pat but nice never the less) Christmas dinner, the usual affair of a 4/5 course meal with wine and entertainment for 25 euros for the two of us!
The entertainment was a table magician, a very good one w
ho visited each table and performed a few tricks during the meal, afterwards we were entertained firstly by a barbershop singing group (very good) and we all joined in on the carols – we both had a great time.
Afterwards the magician came back and asked for an assistant from the audience – yep you guessed it – Liesl was like a dog out of a trap!
On the 14th December Liesl and I were invited to Wii with our friends Denise and Bruce - sounds dangerous but we said yes never the less!) For those of you that don’t know the Nintendo Wii is a games console that took the UK by storm this Christmas, in fact I understand that they were as rare as rocking horse shit.
The concept of this games machine is that you interact with the games not in the conventional way with a mouse or a joystick, no with the wii you hold a controller that wirelessly sends its directional information to the console, and you therefore "play" the game my moving your hands and body around - sounds weird but its sooo much fun!
One of the games that we played was 10 pin bowling, where you actually perform the arm movements as if you were holding a bowling ball, but you are in fact holding a plastic controller, once you release the "ball", you see it fly onto the screen and then, hopefully, crash into the pins knocking them all down. Or in my case just knocking a few down!
It was a great night and there can be not much that you can do that is funnier than watching your friends make total asses of themselves playing golf, 10 pin bowling, baseball and boxing by standing in front of a TV and jiggling around! The week working up to Christmas was just manic with work and it culminated in the receipt of 3 computers (which we had been waiting for the whole week) arriving at 8:30pm on Friday evening!
I worked until midnight on Friday to get them all ready so that they could be delivered and setup in time for Christmas - nightmare!
Christmas Day - today we kept to ex-pat tradition and went with Ken (Liesl's step father) to the beach in La Marina armed with bucks fizz and sausage rolls, the beach was packed with 100's of people who chatted and shared their food and wine with others, it was a really warm day - easily warm enough to get a tan, Liesl even went paddling in the sea!
Someone even did a flypast on their helicopter, flying low over the sea about 20 meters from the beach!
Afterwards we went back to our place where we had prepared the full Christmas dinner thing, we all ate far too much, drank in excess and flaked out in front of the TV for the rest of the day - just how Christmas should be done!
The day after boxing day, my aunt Jen and her partner, Andy arrived for a few days, it was really fantastic to see them.
They were great company from the off and because we had both decided to take the Christmas week off work we had the time to spend with them. We visited La Mata to walk along the boardwalk with them; we went into Alicante to show them the shopping areas and also the "old town" which we prefer.
We walked along the harbour and really enjoyed their company. On the Friday evening we stayed in and cooked, afterwards I produced some old photogra

phs that my grandfather had given me in an album; many of them were of my mum, Jen and their other sister, Elaine as kids. I can’t tell you how poignant it was to go through the photos on that evening, the evening that actually worked out to be the 30th anniversary of my mum's death. It was not at all morbid or upsetting but we all had a good cry!
The following day we took them to a friends house to go orange picking, in less than 30 minutes we had picked enough oranges to see us fine in juice for several weeks!
Their departure marked the end of our visitors for 2007; we had entertained 13 weeks’ worth of visitors in just over 12 months!
Finally, I just wanted to share with you the view that I saw whilst d
riving to one of my customers one morning last week, it certainly beats pushing my way though the traffic to get to Milton Keynes!