This weekend Liesl's Aunt and Uncle (June and Alan - although
Liesl still calls them Uncle Alan and Auntie June - bless!) visited us for a few days whilst they were already on their month long holiday touring Spain - very nice.
They kindly took us for a meal in Santa Pola, we ate late as we wanted to co-inside it with a "Summer Salstace" festival held by the locals where they take bits of wood (palets etc) down to the beach around midnight and set fire to them, making hundereds of small bonfires along the coast, the pictures from my phone really dont do it justice, it was really a sight to see.
As its starting to ramp up to the "really warm" weather - as opposed to what has become usual 20-30 degrees every day and sunny weather, all manner of new bars and resturants have started to pop up in places that we never even knew existed! These bars seem to be temporary things that just get put up in
the summer, we have certainly never seen them before and they must be trusting that the weather is fine because they would get washed away if anything drastic happened!
One of the new outside bars has popped up in the grounds of the health centre / library just down the road from our apartment, its very temporary but has about 10 tables outside and seems always to be full of punters - its really quite amazing how these places seem to lay dormant and invisible during the winter months and come to life during the summer!