This evening we were invited to visit our friends Pam and Dave (the ones that we bumped into at the market), they have a fantastic villa in San Miguel. We were late leaving home to drive to their house (about 50 minutes away) because I had to wait for a delivery from Dell, deliveries here are a nightmare, in the UK its bad enough as you generally get a time slot of morning or afternoon, but with the extended working day here (because of the mid day siesta), the time slot is any time from 8am to 9pm! Finally the package arrived at 6:10pm and we left to visit our friends. About half way there I got it in my head that I had left the door unlocked, so we had to turn around and drive back only to find that, of course, I HAD locked up prop

We finally arrived at the pub our friends were waiting for us in about 1.5 hours late – they had already started drinking, only to be sociable you understand ;-)
We had a meal with them in the pub and a couple of vino tintos, and then retired at about 10:30 to their place – only to open another bottle of wine so that we had something to drink in the spa! Yes they have a spa located on their first floor terrace – posh eh?
I went to be at about midnight, leaving Liesl up having what she described as a ‘girly chat’ with Pam until 3am! Heaven knows what a ‘girly chat’ is but I daren’t ask!
The next morning we went back down to the same pub for a ‘full English’ breakfast, although I suspected that Liesl had an “itsy bitsy” hangover – lol. Although the breakfast was not exactly Spanish, it was really nice and set us up for the day.
During break

fast we met up with Bill & Avril, who are neighbours of Pam and Dave and after breakfast we all went off to the boardwalk at La Mata. It was a beautiful day and it was lovely walking along the wooden promenade for what seemed like miles, at one point we left the main boardwalk to walk slightly away from the coast into a wooded area that had hidden water features – check out the pics!
We stopped for drinks at the end of the

boardwalk and from the cafĂ© could actually see the building in which our friends Bob and Jackie own – they should be out in a week or so, it will be great to catch up with them! After our drinks we returned along the boardwalk until we came across a tapas bar – well it would have been rude not to stop wouldn’t it? So we all had tapas and some more drinks!
Finally we got back to the cars and drove home, a fantastic weekend which we would love to do again – hint, hint Pam!